The XLVI Congress of the Portuguese Society for Microscopy 2012 will be held this year in September 24 and 25 at Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central - Hospital D. Estefânia.
The congress is devoted to the interchange of knowledge between scientists working with microscopy and serves as a forum where students can discuss their work with an interested audience of friendly
senior researchers. SPMicros has played an important role on the education of scientists for over 40 years and young microscopists are warmly welcomed to our meeting and Society. In addition,
a hands-on course on microscopy methods will take place on September 26 and 27.
The Congress will address a wide range of microscopy methods and the present Board of Direction wishes to make a special invitation to colleagues involved in light microscopy (both conventional
and immunomicroscopy including confocal) as well as in atomic force microscopy and other emerging microscopy methods to join us in attending SPMicros2012 and exploring the multidisciplinary field of
The Board of Direction continues to endeavour to ensure the publication of the extended abstracts in the official journal of the Society, 'Microscopy and Microanalysis'. This international journal
is indexed by ISI and Pubmed, and has presently an impact factor of 3.259. The indexation of the extended abstracts, which allows for citation in the literature, will not interfere with a subsequent full publication of the work.