Microscopy course 2012

  • The course will be held at Instituto Superior Técnico (Alameda Campus) on September 26 and 27.
  • The program will cover electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy and confocal microscopy.
  • Includes lectures in the morning sessions and hands-on classes during the afternoon.
  • Participants may observe their own samples (these should be brough to MicroLab by September 7).
  • The hands-on class size is limited to 27 participants and the registration deadline is September 7 2012.
  • The registration fee of 150€ of the complete course includes lunch and 1h of assisted electron microscopy (usable up until March 2013).
  • The hands-on classes are now full: you may register to be placed in the waiting list (but please do not pay).
  • The registration fee for lectures only (morning sessions) is 50€.
  • The lectures slides can be downloaded here: Carlos Sá, Patricia Carvalho (1), Isabel Nogueira, Peter Ingram, Patricia Almeida Carvalho (2), António Pedro Alves de Matos, Rogério Colaço José Rino Henriques.


    Student distribution
