Microscopy course 2012
The course will be held at Instituto Superior Técnico (Alameda Campus) on September 26 and 27.
The program will cover electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy and confocal microscopy.
Includes lectures in the morning sessions and hands-on classes during the afternoon.
Participants may observe their own samples (these should be brough to MicroLab by September 7).
The hands-on class size is limited to 27 participants and the
registration deadline is September 7 2012.
The registration fee of 150€ of the complete course includes lunch and 1h of assisted electron microscopy (usable up until March 2013).
The hands-on classes are now full: you may register to be placed in the waiting list (but please do not pay).
The registration fee for lectures only (morning sessions) is 50€.
The lectures slides can be downloaded here:
Carlos Sá,
Patricia Carvalho (1),
Isabel Nogueira,
Peter Ingram,
Patricia Almeida Carvalho (2),
António Pedro Alves de Matos,
Rogério Colaço
José Rino Henriques.
Student distribution